Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Stop Whining House!

I am not a big fan of the TV show House, although I have seen like every episode thanks to my wife.

Medical shows usually freak me out. I don't like disease, blood, death--you know, the little stuff. But House never bothers me much in that regard. The problem is never anything I have ever heard of. It is never cancer. They always think it might be Lupus, but it's not. They always have to do a spinal tap. It always ends up being something totally outlandish, like last night when a woman has her period through her eyes. Yeah, that one didn't scare me. I'm pretty sure it is impossible for that to happen to me.

But, what does bother me is that House is such a whiny punk. I mean, whining is ok. It can fit a personality type. But you can't do it like House. You can't on the one hand act like you are better than everyone else, flaunt all the rules, and relish how the entire doctor-world worships you while on the other hand whining all the time and pulling this woe is me stuff. Which is it? Are you the cocky, confident badass? Or are you the insecure, emotionally torn whiner?

You can't have it both ways. It is just too annoying. This is not a respectable angst like Kurt Kobain, torn over your own success. This is despicable angst--a cry baby who has everything in the world going for him. Just shut up... nobody feels sorry for Dr. House.


  1. I agree. I find this show to be generally overrated. its like great, hugh laurie acts like a dick. it works for a couple episodes. but generally such curmudgeons can't hold followings.

  2. I understand the dick persona, just not the sensitive dick

  3. his is a respectable angst though! holding people's lives in your hands, people expecting you to make them better, having a unique ability to save people--it's all such a bummer.


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