Thursday, March 12, 2009

Birth Control for Dummies

As part of our ongoing anti-children campaign, I thought I would talk about birth control today.

I know it's risky since this is a woman's birth control and I am a man. But, my wife and I both love the Nuva Ring (info from Planned Parenthood).

It's a once a month insertion of a small ring, it works just like the pill and with the same hormones, and it is not noticeable in any way. Just insert and forget it. Pull it out three weeks later, and waa-lah, a period. That is, 99% of the time...

The great part is not having to remember taking pills at the same time of day and you know, remembering that condom after we come home from the bar.

They have a really cheesy commercial, but I don't think many people know about it yet. So I wanted to spread the word.

Perhaps it is weird coming from a person who studies consumerism and tends to critique the negative effects of capitalism to be promoting a product. But, I figure every Western child consumes mountains of products every week that leak into landfills, cause global warming, etc. So, really, it's consumerism against the spread of consumers. At least, of the baby variety.

So, down with children and up with Nuva Ring!

Here's another opinion from a satisfied user. I always encourage you to do your own research:

1 comment:

  1. About that 99% of the time: My sister got preggers on the NuvaRing... so did my cousin. My OBGYN swears it won't happen to me and if it does my family will appear in a medical journal, but I'm not taking any chances. That is, unless I determine it would count as a pub on my vitae.


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