Friday, April 30, 2010

Oh, Mr. Beck

This from Glenn Beck recently:

"Arizona is really putting the AZ in Nazi, aren't they?

I hate to rain on the hate parade here, but can we please slow down for just a minute and, I don't know, think?

You are comparing the systematic, cold-blooded, extermination of millions of Jews to America making sure people are here legally. The parallels are... nonexistent. It's like deja vu. I can envision some sort of equivalent to the Holocaust museums already in the works to document the horrors of Arizona's immigration law. I'm sure Abe Foxman at the Anti-Defamation League is working on a press release right now, to make sure that he commends Jared Polis for pointing out how much illegal immigration is like the extermination of 6 million Jews."

I actually commend him for questioning false analogies and hyperbole. Sure, this comparison is a bit of a stretch.

But damn the hypocrisy! This guy dares say there is no comparison to Nazis when he has been comparing the Obama admin, the health care bill, and everything liberal to Nazis and fascism for years now.

In fact, asking for people's papers and systematically using the police to interrogate people because of their racial or ethnic background IS way closer to Nazism than anything you will find in the health care bill or anything ever advocated by Obama.

It was the same when Bush was President. When we discovered that he maintained multiple, secret prisons across the world where prisoners were held without trial or without any knowledge, one liberal dared compare it to Nazism. The media scoffed. They dismissed it as ridiculous and made him look like a fool. Today, Beck can constantly make the comparison of fascism and Obama yet the media treats it as a legitimate debate.

Sorry, Mr. Beck. The Nazi comparison indicts the right in this country WAY MORE than the left. Hate (of immigrants, of gays, of progressives, of minorities) is the name of your game, just like Hitler. Secret prisons, illegal wire-tapping, legislation against being a certain identity, propaganda, misinformation, walls, massive police forces, illegal military invasions, overcrowded prisons, sabotage of political opponents-- all of these acts have happened very recently by the right and all of them were staples of Nazism and fascism alike.

But I tell you what, let's all agree to drop the fascism labels. I will if you will. Then maybe we can have a legitimate debate. I dare you.

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