Friday, April 30, 2010

Fuck You, Rush

So, Rush Limbaugh suggests the possibility that the Gulf oil spill was caused by environmentalists.

Never mind the logic (isn't it way more likely that it was an explosion, since these have happened many times before--40 spills greater than 1,000 barrels since 1964, including 13 in the last 10 years, according to data from the U.S. Minerals Management Service).
Never mind the credulity (why would they destroy the very ocean which they love enough to sacrifice their time and lives).
Never mind the feasibility (the environmentalists would have to have a submarine to accomplish this feat, not to mention lots of funds and the ability to evade security).
Never mind the complete lack of evidence. Rush only offered "timing" as proof, and even he was scared to make it a full blown claim.

What deserves the big FUCK YOU, Rush, is your spewing of such conspiratorial claims simply for ratings. We all know it's true. You don't really believe this. You can't possibly, even if you only have the one brain cell left after all those years of drugs. There is absolutely nothing even remotely true or factual or credible or compelling about your accusation.

You said it for ratings, pure and simply, You knew it would piss off the left. You knew it would get people talking about you. You know there is no such thing as bad publicity, so they say.

And if that doesn't prove to your listeners that you are a lying, manipulative jack ass who will say anything for ratings and hence can never be trusted, then they are as dumb as you look.

Gotta love conspiracy hounds. Even when clear evidence is presented to them against their insane theories, they can always say, "THEY (whoever they are, as if there's some secret cabal who always moves in lockstep and without being exposed) did this to throw you off their trail. THEY want you to believe there was an oil spill so THEY can get their way. It's all a big part of THEIR grand plan."

Rush has proven that even in the face of a horrible tragedy for the economy and the environment, he only cares about ratings. And that means NO MATTER WHAT, he will not change his opinion that THEY (the left) are evil and wrong about everything.

Any person who considers themselves intelligent and free-minded must at least reconsider their stance on offshore drilling in the face of this disaster. Refusal to reconsider shows either complete stupidity or an ulterior motive. Like ratings (read: money). So, for all you intelligent and free-thinking listeners of Rush, you only have one option now. He's been exposed once and for all as a fraud, as a conspiracy hound, not as a free-thinker or even a semi-rational human being.

Your only choice now? Take away what he wants the most. Tune out your dial and turn off his ratings.

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